Social and Environmental Responsibility

BRASPRESS is a company that is always concerned about people’s well being and is committed to contributing to a more responsible society and a more sustainable environment.

Environmental Responsibility

Since 2006, the company uses biodiesel to supply its fleet of more than two thousand trucks. As a renewable fuel, biodiesel does not contain sulfur and significantly contributes to the reduction of pollutants. The company also operates trucks powered by natural gas and performs frequent gas emission evaluations and controls on its vehicles.
BRASPRESS' main plants are equipped with rainwater harvesting and water reuse systems, and its branches adopt waste recycling programs. Recycling is also present in the donation of out-of-use computer equipment to philanthropic organizations.

Social Responsibility

The company supports entities recognized for their social work, such as the Abrinq Foundation for the Rights of Children and Adolescents and GRAACC (Support Group for Children and Adolescents with Cancer) and carries out solidarity transportation to bring food donations to victims of floods throughout Brazil, as happened in Teófilo Otoni in 2002, and more recently in Santa Catarina, Rio de Janeiro, Alagoas and Pernambuco. BRASPRESS also participates in campaigns for the donation of winter clothing offering transportation and delivery of the clothes collected.
The partnership with the Na Mão Certa (On the Right Hand) Program, an initiative of Childhood Brazil, aims to combat the sexual exploitation of children and adolescents on Brazilian roadways. BRASPRESS periodically conducts lectures to sensitize our drivers in order for them to act as protection agents.

Our fleet is engaged in social causes

BRASPRESS is a pioneer and often uses its fleet to encourage and disseminate social responsibility campaigns referring to issues that impact society as a whole.

Know more about some of these initiatives:

  • Display of photos of missing children and adults in partnership with the NGO Mães da Sé (Mothers of the Sé) and with the Brazilian Center for the Defense of the Rights of Children and Adolescents;
  • Launch of the Campaign for Life in 2004 to encourage organ donation in partnership with the Ministry of Health;
  • Support for the Pink October campaign in partnership with the NGO Instituto Viva a Diferença;
  • Support for the Yellow May campaign;
  • Support for the blood donation campaign;
  • Disclosure of the Siga Bem Criança project that works to combat child exploitation in Brazil and aims to make each truck driver a partner in the fight against violence against children and adolescents.

“We are aware of our country’s social problems and that is why we make a point of participating with these types of publicity, since our trucks are true moving billboards that can take social awareness messages across the country”.

Urubatan Helou
Director-President of BRASPRESS
